As we approach the end of our 3rd year in Tonasket, I am so thankful that we made this move. The pace and the people here forced us to slow down and refocus on what is truly important. I wish I had given our old friends and neighbors the kind of time and attention we have been able to here. I look forward to the time when everyone can make their own spirituality and family the thing they put first.
Since I last posted, I have gained a beautiful daughter in law, seen my own daughter grow taller than me, and I have been working full time for my sister Alise, as he team manager.
That means less time playing and more time working, but it has enabled us to get the second house set up and mostly finished. What a blessing to have SO MUCH space! Actually it almost feels too big now that all the kids are so busy. Dakota and Gabe work 20-25 hours a week, and I am sure Jess will have a job soon. Dakota is starting on his senior credits and will easily finish ahead of schedule. Jess is doing well in high school, and Chey is shining in her final year of middle school.
As for Penny...She is all grown up!