Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Cheyenne's take over.

When we first moved here, there was all this discussion about how we would distinguish which "Cheyenne" we were talking about, since there was- amazingly- another Cheyenne the same age as ours. There's the typical last initial added on, a variety of nicknames that didn't stick (mostly because BOTH girls go by Chey and CheyChey). Little did we know the girls would solve this on their own by becoming nearly inseparable, requiring us to only refer to them as The Cheyenne's.

Are The Cheyenne's going to be there?

Do The Cheyenne's like Peanut butter?

Could the Cheyenne's BE any cuter? Ok, that one is mine. :-)

Our little house is extra full this week, thanks to Cheyenne K's mom needing to spend some time at the HOSPITAL. She lost a battle with her gallbladder, and finally decided that sheer force of will would not cause the pain to go away. Anyway, we have priveledge of hosting not just Cheyenne, but the adorable, unstoppable Lily.
What a treat to have a house full of girls for a change! The Rainey Cheyenne (another one we tried) is IN her element.
Were hoping things go great for their mama, but we are planning on enjoying our week with the little ladies!

1 comment:

Kota said...

That is really good i love you and have fun with the little fun of a mess