Thursday, August 14, 2008

Dakota comes home

At last, our family is complete here! Dakota and Skyler met us in Leavenworth on Saturday. The night before we had an incredible lightning storm like something from a movie. The thunder and lightening came right on top of each other and the flashed were one after the other.

Dakota needs to detox from the craziness he has had the last several weeks. He has actually done pretty well, but the first day, we thought he would go mad! Cheyenne actually kept a 30 minute journal about what he did, and it was hilarious.

We put the boys to work yesterday, as their blogs detail. You can see that they were delighted to be of assistance. The good news is we now have a functional laundry facility! There was a pipe that had been clogged for MANY years and the overfow area was serving as a drain. Hugh and a power snake became best buds yesterday as he cleared the grime and successfully opened the way. We also learned that Gabriel has an amazing tolerance to bad smells (we had suspected this for, uh... other reasons in the past) He was able to stand down next to Hugh, who was breathing only through his mouth so as to not take in any of the noxious fumes, while munching on a snack. Hugh was impressed and disgusted at the same time as he asked Gabe how he could do that. Gabe mutterred something about Hugh being a wimp and dashed back upstairs to avoid the recoil.

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