Friday, August 8, 2008


We trekked down to Omak today to check out the carnival at the Stampede Grounds in Omak. The actual stampede is a race down a cliff by a bunch of of people on horseback. There are often horses and people hurt and killed, hence it's called the "suicide race". Anyway, there's tons of controversy surrounding the actual race, but plenty of good, clean family fun to be had at the fairgrounds.

Mind you, "Good Clean Family Fun" is a subjective evaluation, as some of the things considered normal her are not on the coast. For Example......

Here, P.E.T.A stands for People for Eating Tasty Animals. I can't imagine a booth like the one we where we saw this...

at the Puyallup Fair. Yes, that was the price for actual furry little faces and feet cut off real animals. there was even a brochure with a pricelist for tanning and preserving everything from faces to scrotums. Seriously. As an aside, can I just say that bobcat fur is softer than I ever would have imagined?
The kids had fun on the rides, and we had fun checking out the scenery. I don't think we are going to make the actual stampede this year.

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