Thursday, February 5, 2009

A Blogworthy Scream

Last night as Cheyenne was primping for the evening in the bathroom, she suddenly let out a shriek. Not just any shriek, but a long drawn-out squeek followed by a throaty "Geeet offff!!!" Moments later she sheepishly peeked around the corner and said,
"I didn't know I was afraid of spiders."
She explained that there had been one on her collar, and she had not recognized it as such until she got closer to the mirror, whereupon it became immediately terrifying. I had to torture her by telling her it had probably been IN her shirt all day and had finally broke out. She proceeded to tell me that it had only crawled in her shirt after laying an egg sack somewhere in MY clothes or shoes. I don't know where she gets that stuff.

Here is what I see just about every day now.
The snow is a little dirty, but we might get a fresh coat tonight. I hope!

This is the kids on the Weeks sledding hill. Yes, the same hill where Hugh careened into a fence post.

On the diet front, things are going GREAT. The no caffeine thing has had one really surprising effect. I am NEVER tired during the day. Truly. I would have never thought that would be the result, but all those ups and downs and "I need a nap"s seem to be a thing of the past. No longer tempted by diet soda, I have been chugging water and liking it. Plus, the high amount of fruit and veggies I have been eating has allowed me to really start tasting all the flavors in my food. I think I am onto something that is really going to work.

Lastly, you should probably check out Cheyenne's blog for an AWESOME photo she snapped of Chibi. I think she should get a hold of KFC and make Chibi the new spokesdog. When I was looking for that, I found these two that show Mack and Chibi really are soulmates:-) Enjoy.


Luisa said...

Tell Cheyenne (AKA Little Miss Muffett) to go eat some curds and whey. And congrats on weaning yourself off of caffeine! That's hard to do.

I have a doctor appointment on Monday -- I'm hoping he'll increase my thyroid medication. I have been feeling terrible lately.

Say hi to everyone for me!

Mak~ said...

OH my goodness I want one of those puppies!!!