Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Breaking News

We still watch the news here daily, I've been a first-30-minutes-of-the-Today- Show fan for a decade. When it breaks to go to local news, I still crack up at the "technology" of the local station. Often, the cameraman actually zooms in on the desktop PC of the reporter to show emails they have gotten or photos that viewers have sent in. They don't being the image up to the screen, they just show the monitor and slowly zoom in.
Dakota says we should start a Tonasket station (the other one is in Spokane) and use Hugh's Iphone to zoom in on for weather reports. He's always thinking.
So, I should have gone 100% raw before. I need to find out how it is physiologically (is that the right word?) to lose so much weight so fast, while taking in the same amout of calories. Raw food guru's claim it's because of the lack of toxins in what you eat, and that cooking food poisons it in a way. They say it heals whatever is wrong with your body and makes your metabolism work correctly. I need to do more research, but no complaints from this girl.

1 comment:

Luisa said...

Did you ever see that movie "Smoke Signals," about life on an Indian reservation? It was a really great film. The reservation traffic conditions were reported to the radio station by two guys sitting in a pickup along the highway. If more than two or three cars drove by within 5minutes, traffic was "heavy." It was pretty cute.

You guys definitely should start your own Tonasket news show. That could be really fun. Maybe you could broadcast it over the internet. Sky could do the local food critiques, you could do the health segments, Hugh could do sports, etc. Seriously, I'd tune in.